Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Funny Moments...

So, my husband has an abundance of chest hair, but is losing hair up top on his head. That may be a little too personal, but it is important to this little story. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago or so, when Savannah and Isaac were on the floor playing with him, he told them that the hair on his head was falling out onto his chest, and regrowing there. S. and I. were amazed.

Today I was getting Savannah and Isaac dressed and I said "Savannah, come in here and let me fix your hair!" Savannah promptly answered, "Mama, I don't have hair anymore! It all fell out!" I said, "what are you talking about, Silly?" She responded "Yes Mama, it all fell out, and it's right here." She then grinned and pointed to her chest. Ha! Then of course I had to tell y'all about it!


Jessica said...

So funny. :) That is just like Joe, to say stuff like that.

Lydia said...

That's hilarious!!