Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October Birthday

My younger sister Melissa was an October baby. I was about Savannah and Isaac's age (5 1/2 yrs) when she was born. I remember it well. Mama's water breaking in the middle of the night, three weeks before Melissa's due date. Mom had been out with me and Jessica all day, shopping and looking for winter coats for us. It was too much stress for a 9 months pregnant woman. Melissa can probably thank her two older sisters for her birthday being in one of the best months of the year.

October 1989:
 My beautiful Mama with tiny Melissa Joy. We called her "Missy". Now the twins call her "Missa".
Sister Love. Jessica is holding Melissa and I'm on the right. Jessica was seven and I was five.
 Jessica and I adored Melissa and were fascinated with everything she did. We would just lay on the bed with her and watch her sleep. She couldn't do anything about us invading her personal space back then.
Me and Melissa. I was so proud, and also happy that she wasn't crying!

~ Moving forward 23 years ~

Melissa's birthday, October 21st, 2012:

Me and Melissa in 2012.

I love you Melissa! Happy Birthday!

Side-note: You might notice Dad isn't in the pics above. He was taking the pictures - in my humble opinion, he has quite a knack for capturing the moment.


Madeleine said...

Bethany!! I saw via facebook that you had a blog and just had to stop by and say hello! You guys look great, the kids are so big I can hardly believe it. Miss you and Joe so much - sending lots of love to you guys! xo

Anonymous said...

Your Mama was beaming and beautiful! What a great tribute!

Bethany said...

Thank you Madeleine! It is so great to hear from you! I can't believe how big the kids are either. We miss you too, y'all should come visit us!! We're almost done with our house (I hope!) and we would love to have y'all.
Thanks for checking out the blog!

meatiredmama said...

Thank you for posting that. I love those sweet memories.