Thursday, October 8, 2020

Summer 2020, Monticello

 This summer, we visited some wonderful friends of ours in North Carolina and West Virginia. While in WV, we drove to Virginia (close to Charlottesville) and visited Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson. It was beautiful, of course, and I loved the gardens!

This is the view from the back porch of our friend's home in NC.

We were there the "Independence Day" holiday weekend.
Levi and Sam had a fun time together!

This is at our friend's home in WV.
They had the perfect window for little ones to look out of :)
This is from our visit to Monticello.

These "Straw Flowers" were my favorite. They were seeding the flowers while we were there and I was able to buy some of the seeds.

My walking buddy :)

Loved this "Southern Catalpa" tree.
The twins, wearing their masks around their necks.

Sweet girls.
Mary pointed out a birds nest in an apple tree. 

There were several sections to this beautiful vegetable garden.
I couldn't get a picture with all of the kids looking at the camera. They were hot and tired by the time this was taken. I think they all had a great time though! 
Isaac, Savannah, and Levi at our friend's home in West Virginia. 13 years & 13 months old. This was our "4th of July" picture for 2020. Reagan helped me take it, that's why Levi is smiling so big. 

"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."  

~Thomas Jefferson

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