Monday, March 30, 2015


About a month ago, the twins turned 8! They seem to grow funnier, smarter, and taller each day.
I'm feeling pretty blessed.

Birthday morning hair! :)
Love those faces! Coats and mittens were everywhere, because they got the best birthday gift: SNOW
They were over the moon excited, even though the power was out all day.
 Our sweet, funny neighbor came over to sing happy birthday to them in the dark! Fortunately, the power came back on right before we sang to them and I got some pictures. It was a birthday miracle! I gave myself a pat on the back for making their cakes a day early. ;)
 This was the next Tuesday at the zoo. Thursday snow, the very next Tuesday a balmy near 70 degrees...Alabama weather.
 This monkey loved the twins, so funny.

I think these kiddos loved their birthday surprise!


Jessica said...

So cute! Beautiful and tasty cakes too!

Bethany said...

Aw, thank you Jessica!